Our Retreats
We aim to provide a beautiful, safe space for you to allow psilocybin to transform your life. The research is profound concerning how this psychedelic can assist you in becoming more conscious and feel more connected with the mystical realm. We are dedicated to helping you understand better how psilocybin works, as well as giving you further tools that will empower you along your spiritual journey.

3 day Retreat
Before the start of the retreat, we will send you some guiding questions, best practices and a simple diet for an optimal preparation for this inner journey. If you’re traveling from abroad, be sure to have one or two days to adjust to European time zone and Dutch climate.
1st day – Opening
When arriving at Essence Institute, you’ll be welcomed by the facilitators and meet other participants at the retreat. You’ll have the opportunity to ask questions and get familiar with the grounds. In addition, there will be time for discussing your intention(s), get clear on what you’re seeking from the retreat experience, and get all questions aswered.
2nd day – Deep Dive
On your second day, you’ll experience the psilocybin ceremony. In the morning, yoga and a body/breathwork session will be offered so you can ground yourself in your body. Then, you’ll get to experience a sacred ceremony where you’ll be given a high dose of psilocybin-truffles. You’ll be in a safe and serene setting, so you’ll be able to relax and let go. The actual psilocybin experience will last between 6 – 8 hours. Then, you’ll head off to a late dinner.
3rd day – Integration
No doubt you’ll have a profound experience when you go through the Ceremony, likely tapping into more creativity, clarity, mind expansion and non-duality. Because we don’t want you to lose sight of what insights and experiences you had, we’ll spend extensive time on your third day processing and integrating all that occurred.
We want you to carry your breakthroughs and transformations with you when you return home, so we’ll provide guidance on how to maintain these changes long-term.