Get years of therapy in a one weekend psychedelic retreat.

During our psilocybin retreat you may go beyond your ego structure, point out false beliefs that you have, find your purpose and many other things. The journey at our psychedelic psilocybin retreat in The Netherlands is different for everyone.
Our psilocybin retreat in The Netherlands offers a safe space in nature, where you can have a truely unique and remarkable psychedelic experience.
Get the most out of your three day psychedelic retreat in The Netherlands. You will be supported and nurtured by Dutch mental healthcare professionals during your stay at Essence Institute.
We have designed a three day long program in order to garantuee your safety and also to make sure you get the most out of your psychedelic retreat. We take on limited groups because this allows us to guide you in your journey as best as we can.
When arriving at Essence Institute, you’ll be welcomed by the facilitators and meet other participants at the retreat. You’ll have the opportunity to ask questions and get familiar with the grounds. In addition, there will be time for discussing your intention(s), get clear on what you’re seeking from the retreat experience, and get all questions aswered.
On your second day, you’ll experience the psilocybin ceremony. In the morning, yoga and a body/breathwork session will be offered so you can ground yourself in your body. Then, you’ll get to experience a sacred ceremony where you’ll be given a high dose of psilocybin-truffles. You’ll be in a safe and serene setting, so you’ll be able to relax and let go. The actual psilocybin experience will last between 6 – 8 hours. Then, you’ll head off to a late dinner.
No doubt you’ll have a profound experience when you go through the Ceremony, likely tapping into more creativity, clarity, mind expansion and non-duality. Because we don’t want you to lose sight of what insights and experiences you had, we’ll spend extensive time on your third day processing and integrating all that occurred.
We want you to carry your breakthroughs and transformations with you when you return home, so we’ll provide guidance on how to maintain these changes long-term.
how people have experienced our psychedelic retreat in The netherlands
My main experience of this retreat is the grounded feeling of: let it happen and have faith. A ‘mind blowing’ experience for all of us who feel connected to nature.
Mindblowing experience!
It was a journey that cannot really be expressed in words. The power of this mushroom is impressive, and takes you in a very mild way to a world of connection and creation. From this state of just ‘being’, many meaningful insights are presented. Not each one is pleasant, but they are very striking and valuable.
For me it is about letting go and trusting that what is presented is what needs to be done. A second important insight is to honor my life partner much more for what she means to me, from the heart.
So special that nature has this in store for us. What remains is great gratitude!
Pieter (60), bodywork therapist
Great Grattitude!
Guided by this beautiful, experienced en heartwarming team, I felt safe enough to dive into the realms of psilocybin truffles and see the world from a new and fresh perspective. A life changing three days on a beautiful location surrounded by nature.
Life Changing Retreat
We are a group of seasoned Dutch professionals, working with people on a psychological, emotional, physical and spiritual level. We will guide you during your psychedelic retreat in The Netherlands. Doing so, we ensure that you will get the most out of your stay at our psilocybin retreat.
Sanne de Burger (1978)
Psychiatric Nurse, Manager Healthcare, Trainer, Coach
Willem Fonteijn MSc (1949)
Clinical Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Mindfulness Trainer, Author of the book “Circle of Awareness”
Stella Stok (1977)
Office Manager/PA (in HR), Breathwork Coach, Yogateacher
Whether you take ayahuasca or psilocybin, you’re likely to have a profound mental, emotional, and spiritual experience because of the substance. However, psilocybin has less of a physical impact on your body as ayahuasca. Essentially, this means that with psilocybin, you’re much less likely to suffer nausea and vomiting than if you were taking ayahuasca. And, the psilocybin “mind-altering” experience lasts a shorter time and recovery is faster.
Psilocybin is not an addictive substance. You may enjoy and get a lot out of the experience, but you’re not likely to become physically dependent on psilocybin.
Many people choose to attend more that one pslicocybin retreat. You can wait several months in between and then return for a new, oftentimes deeper experience
Scientific studies indicate that the Set and Setting in which the psychedelic is taken are key factors to the impact and benefits of the session. For an ideal experience, it’s best to take psilocybin in a safe and serene setting where you can be monitored by professionals. We have found that there is great value in partaking in a psilocybin experience with others who are also seeking a deeper spiritual experience.
Psilocybin is one of the safest hallucinogens, but you should be aware of the contraindications. See optimal experience (Substance) for more information.
Yes. It is legal in our psychedelic psilocybin retreat In the Netherlands. Truffles are a different part of the mushroom, known as sclerotia, which remain dormant and help the mushroom regrow after damage. Magic mushrooms, in contrast, are illegal.